Icelandic General Election Results

18th October 2009:

With a campaign season barely a month long, the snap General Election called in Iceland by the newly appointed President, has resulted in a landslide victory for the Viking Heritage Party.

With all the results now in, the Vikings have been given a majority in Parliament with 42 seats, and the remaining 21 seats are divided 7 each to the Progressive Party, the Independence Party, and the Social Democratic Alliance. Other small parties, who had previously held 16 seats between them, were sent home without a single member of the Alþingi.

The President, Rán Aasgard, hailed the support that the people of Iceland had given to the Viking party, and the results of the election were very shortly followed by news that in light of the resounding success of Viking politics, the World Viking Organisation announced that it was moving its World Headquarters to Reykyavik, and adopting Iceland as the home nation of the Viking people.

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