Muskrat Love

Muskrat Love is an aphrodisiac created by Lydia and provided to the Don. The Don controls the only known source of Muskrat Love.

Muskrat Love has an easily recognizable musky scent and a cheese like taste and consistency. It goes well with crackers.

When ingested Muskrat Love produces a decided increase in arousal level in most mammals. It causes a mild relaxation of inhibitions, particularly with regard to sexual partners and practices. Muskrat Love decreases the refractive period in males and increases the likelihood and number of multiple orgasms in females. Also it concentrates the mind of the user on sex producing a sort of hyperfocussed attention that enhances the experience.

Consuming too much at once can cause stomach upset and diarrhoea, but is otherwise harmless. Muskrat Love is not physically addictive. Prolonged use may lead the user to neglect other aspects of their life in favour of sex. Muskrat Love users may spontaneously return to the hyperfocussed state during sexual activities even when not on the drug.

It is recommended that Muskrat Love users have any desired birth control in place before taking the drug. Combining Muskrat Love with other aphrodisiacs is not recommended. Persons with heart conditions, pregnant women, and persons with any condition that contraindicates several hours of vigorous sexual intercourse should not take Muskrat Love. Do not drive or operate heavy machinery while under the effects of Muskrat Love. Please use Muskrat Love responsibly.


    1. Funny. Chafing, rawness, and rash typically come from a lack of proper lubrication combined with failure to pay attention. While Muskrat Love doesn’t provide any additional lubrication, the hyperfocused mental state makes such symptoms unlikely at best. Rapidly recurring erections lasting longer than four hours are certainly possible particulary for males with exceptional endurance.

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