The Divine Michael

God of communications

With the changes wrought by the Lighthouse timeline, the story of the three Sable-based Gods becomes even more confusing. This time through, the first of the three to Ascend was Michael, younger brother to Robert and Rupert. Thus to the probable relief of all concerned, he was awarded the Aspect of Communications (aka God of Trumps!). Having lived his life in the shadow of his co-Creator siblings, the Aurellis also afforded him a secondary Aspect: Protector of Lesser Siblings of Immensely Powerful Godlike Beings.

Michael was born Outside, and brought up as an effective foster son to Robert de Lacy. He still spends much of his time in Sable, although he does visit his Temple in Eboracum, and has a Divine Emissary on the Outside, who is based in Murray. He accepts both men and women into his priesthood, as long as they have some kind of artistic ability.

He is represented on the Outside by Divine Emissary “CC”, who is based in the External Temple of Communications on Murray.