On the 7th October in the Imperial Year 760 (which is generally acknowledged to be around the 18th July 2009 on St. James) The Noble Jonathan Fields, priest of the Divine Rupert, and member of a team of agents from the Special Operations section of the U.S. Department of Defense on St. James created the Logrus of Animus, assisted by King Robert of Sable and Reichsführer-SS Rupert Delatz.
Little is yet known about the world of Animus. What is known is that Honoured Princess Lauren, a daughter of Pater Deorum Roland who had been missing for many years, has been appointed to the position ‘Lead Defender’ of Animus, and that a number of other colleagues of Lord Jonathan have been confirmed as Defenders of Animus.
Animus Government
The government of Animus is comprised of civillian and military personel, but has very little in the way of aristocracy or military ranks. The ministers have been directly appointed by the ruler, and they organise their departments as they feel is necessary.
Lord Jonathan, ruler of Animus
Jonathan was originally born on St. James, but then moved to the Inside to live in the Empire of Eboracum for a number of years, after narrowly escaping death in a plane crash. He initially worked as a forensic artist in Eboracum, before taking training with the Foreign Office. During this time, he also became a priest of the Temple of Communications.
Subsequently to this, he was assigned to the Imperial mission on St. James at Quantico, where he was attached to Spec Ops as their operational Trump artist. That eventually led to him being the man chosen to build Animus. Since that time, Jonathan has resigned from Spec Ops, and from the Imperial Foreign office, and is now permanently resident in Animus. Jonathan’s animate is called Uli.

Lead Defender Lady Lauren
Lauren has been appointed as the Lead Defender of Animus. She has responsibility for command of all military forces on the Realm. As a secondary function to the role of Lead Defender, she is also the deputy for Lord Jonathan as Head of State.
The military is organised around three ranks – Lead Defender – Lauren, then Defenders, and Deputy Defenders.
It has become tradition for the military and certain other senior figures to be awarded companion creatures called Animates. Reports indicate that these creatures were developed by Lauren during her period of inventive fervour after she first inititated to the Animus. She herslf has one of these companions which is called Spectral Tigress.

Lady Katerina
Lady Katerina is the sister to Lord Jonathan, though prior to the Animus being made, she was not known about. She occupies two positions within the Animus government – Minister of the Interior, and Minister of Justice.
She also runs a very sucessfull psychotherapy practice, specialising in the treatment of those who are overcome by the creative verve that is common in Animus. A number of high raning Animans are believed to have sought her assistance in coping when the muse is upon them.
Katerina has an Animate, but it appears to conform to the standard design isued to the Defenders, and has not been named.