2nd Abyss – Blackwater

The Second Abyss is ruled by Queen Nyx, who was born in the first cycle of existence.

Samael, Angel of death came to Eve in the Garden of Eden, and went into her, as he tempted her to eat the fruit of the Tree of Life. And after Apothicon expelled Eve from the Garden of Eden, she gave birth to the fruit of Samael, and that fruit was called Cain.

In his time, Cain went into Awan, a Daughter of Eve, and from her came forth the Nephelim Enoch.

And Eve departed from Adam when Caine killed Abel, and stayed away from him for a hundred years. During that time, Adam sought the comfort of the First Woman, who had been made to be his wife, and also her daughter Naamah, who she had born to Apothicon in earlier days. But then Eve returned to Adam, and threw out the First Woman, so the First Woman sought out Enoch, and took him into her, and she brought forth Nyx, and raised her up, teaching her the ways of Magick.

And when Apothicon came unto the First Woman to enlist her assistence to remake his world, the First Woman, together with Nyx, sought a way to preserve a memory of those that would be lost.

And when the end came, and the world was drowned by Maré, the Abyss was formed, and the First Woman and her daughter Nyx trapped Maré between their two Abyssal Realms, so that Maré could never again unleash her Waters upon the lands of the living. Thus the First Woman rules the First Abyss below, and Nyx rules the Second Abyss above, and the Waters lie always between them.

Some of my lovers are descendants of Queen Nyx’s daughter, Crown Princess Nydina. Nydina is born out of time of time, sired by Hell-Marshall Archduchess Lintra Hendrake the Younger out of Queen Nyx, using the Abyss Rites of Female Procreation.

Princess Tarassin of the 9th Abyss